Non-Discrimination & Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a provision from the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 that allows schools and local school districts to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students. We are happy to announce this will remain effective through the 2022 - 2023 school year. All students in the Southbridge Public Schools are eligible for a free breakfast and a free lunch every day! Please encourage your students to participate in these healthy nutrition programs.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Ellen Finelli, MS, RD
Food Service Director 774-318-1606 or [email protected]
Southbridge Public Schools is participating in a Free Breakfast and Lunch Program for the school year 2022 -2023. This is referred to as the Community Eligibility Provision. All students enrolled at the Southbridge Public Schools: (Eastford Road School, Charlton Road School, West Street School, Southbridge Middle School/High School, and the Southbridge Academy) may participate in the breakfast/lunch program at no charge. Household applications for free and reduced-price meals will not be collected.
Studies have shown that children who are not hungry perform better in school. By providing breakfast/lunch to all children at no charge, we can create a better learning environment for our students.
The school breakfast and lunch that we serve follow U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines for healthy school meals. Please encourage your children to participate in the school meal programs.
All meals will be served to all students at no charge.